Know How: Note Taking



A client calls you with a query about a phone conversation you had last week. You can’t remember all the details so you start rummaging through that pile on desk because you remember that you wrote some notes down on a scrap of paper.

Or you’re writing a proposal for a client and have spend half an hour trying to find the notes you made in your initial meeting with him.

Sound familiar? We all gone through this kind of scenario at times. But there is a better way …..

The fact is that most businesses rely on information to a greater or lesser extent and the better we are at managing that information, the more efficient, and profitable we become. Whether it’s records of phone conversations, meeting notes, articles, to do lists, client contact details, all this information needs to be stored, processed and retrieved. In today’s business world the amount of information we have to deal with is just too much for ad hoc methods such as note books, piles of paper etc.

Enter Evernote. Evernote is the ultimate in note taking applications. In fact it’s much more than that. It’s so flexible that you can use it to do almost anything for you; store notes,  contact management, task management and much, much more.

Evernote stores information in the Cloud. You access that information from any device including PCs, laptops, tablets, iPhones, Blackberries. All information is stored in the form of notes which can be text, image or voice. But the really clever thing is that each note can have tags assigned to it which then allows you to link notes together using the tags. So, for example, you could link together all notes for a specific project using the tags giving you a complete view of all the information on that project which could include, documents, specifications, plans, milestones, images and voice notes.

There are also a number of clever applications for gathering information. For example, there is a web clipper that allows you to select parts of a web page and send them directly to your Evernote database in the cloud. You can send photos or voice notes directly from your mobile to Evernote.

All this makes for a very easy and flexible system for gathering, storing and processing information.

I can highly recommend it. I wouldn’t be without.

Oh and it’s free.

Written by
Mike Brogan
Mike is a website developer specializiing in website design, online marketing, ecommerce design, and consutancy. He has developed website for clients for over 20 years.

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